How I Help

I serve as a thinking partner, sounding board, confidante, loyal advisor, and capital connector to leaders at significant inflection points.

  1. Think
  2. Calculate
  3. Connect


Let’s Talk

Leaders often seek an advisor at a significant inflection point. Mainly they are:

  • Looking to grow through a business model transformation, acquisition, or simply new opportunities in their market. 
  • Thinking about an exit plan for themselves, or for their foundational partners as they transition into the top spot.
  • Needing clarity and new perspectives into themselves and their business. 
  • Evaluating their culture or business partnerships to become the intentional leader they aspire to be. 

And, these leaders sometimes require capital to carry out one or more of these initiatives. 

I serve as a thinking partner, sounding board, confidante, loyal advisor, and capital connector to the individual through it all.

Think Think

Untangling previous paradigms to see what’s truly possible under your leadership begins with critical thinking and advising.

Leaders and founders I work with have found it transformative to have someone with whom they can:

  • Articulate their vision for the future
  • Develop strategic order and priorities
  • Question previous ways of thinking and organizational paradigms
  • Be challenged on their assumptions and accepted wisdom
  • Analyze their financial performance and capital structures from an external investment perspective
  • Dissect their culture and explore misalignments
  • Explore new mental models and ways of thinking

Bringing order to chaos — strategically and together.

Let’s Talk
Calculate Calculate

I advise leaders in capital-intensive industries such as real estate development or at inflection points in their growth at which capital constraints are becoming apparent and challenging.

Thinking about leadership quite seamlessly leads into understanding the use of capital within your organization. Together, we might analyze:

  • Business model returns
  • Desired returns
  • Capital structures and balance sheets
  • Growth financing
  • Trajectories

Capital is a strategically critical impact factor in business, and knowing how and in which quantities or qualities it is going to be needed as well as how to access it has always been a defining characteristic of excellent leaders.

Let’s Talk
Connect Connect

Matching your goals (thinking) to your financial reality (calculating) to create congruence is central to our relationship — as is connection. I’ll seek to connect you with relationships to which you would not otherwise have access.

  • These relationships can be:
  • Personal
  • Strategic
  • Operational
  • They are in service of:
  • Business development
  • Personal interest
  • Deepening the management talent pool
  • Sourcing capital
  • Expansion
Let’s Talk

I was once asked by an advisor of my own what is one thing I do that I can’t keep myself from doing? The answer was and is easy for me — connecting people I like and admire with each other for mutual benefit, whatever that benefit might be. 

I’ve been crisscrossing between the worlds of capital and business ownership for decades. Gain access to my bespoke and vast network of connections for fruitful partnerships and capital relationships.